
Energy in Kibele Energy

By using our works about solar energy and our experience in this area we managed to construct our own solar power plants and started to produce power in our country.

Our company, which completed its research work on biogas and biomass, focused primarily on energy production. With the completion of municipal and state permits and processes and the acceleration of investment, we will continue to contribute to the energy needs of our country. In connection with biomass, we have accelerated our domestic and international studies and negotiations and are trying to achieve our performance goals.

We are providing consultancy services on engineering and legislation issues in the energy sector for investors by using our technical capability, our service culture based on trust and our experience of many years.

Our services;

  • • EPC (Engineering Process Control) services
      1. ■ This is a turn-key setup for development and finding solutions notably for solar energy systems as well as for any other renewable energy systems.
  • • Consultancy and solution services for solar energy systems
  • • Consultancy and solution services for renewable energy power plants (HES, GES, RES, JES, Waste Energy and Biogas)
  • • Fund raising for renewable energy in international capital and money markets
  • • Efficiency, cost (feasibility) studies for solar, wind, geothermal, waste energy and hydroelectric power plant systems
  • • Project preparation, preparation of permit application files, making applications and follow-up of applications
  • • Planning the preparation of the most appropriate and efficient process management by assessing the technical capacities of the experts in their field, evaluating their qualifications and abilities and conformity with the project
  • • Market surveys, evaluation of regional locations and conditions, creation of alternative scenarios, calculation of investment cost of alternative scenarios, analysis of pre-feasibility and risk
  • • We produce support and solution to all processes between the investor and the contractor as part of contract administration
  • • Our services in supply and automatisation of electricity and energy materials
      1. ■ Low Board Systems
        ■ Low and Medium Voltage Cables
        ■ Low Voltage Switchgear
        ■ Busbar Systems
        ■ Medium Voltage Systems
        ■ Weak Current and Data Cables
        ■ Lighting Systems
        ■ Automation Software and Systems
        ■ Scad Software

Renewable energy;

It is defined as "the source of energy that can exist next day in nature's own evolution". Natural resources such as water, sun and wind are not only renewable but also play an important role against greenhouse effect and global warming. Renewable energy sources are considered to be the most important energy source of the 21st century in solving the existing technical and economic problems.

The main sources of renewable energy such as wind, solar (photovoltaic [pv]), solar thermal, water, biomass and geothermal are important to us so they need to be naturally produced, renewable as they are used, do not need to be imported and generally be more respectful to the environment. Therefore, renewable energy "is a kind of energy that can combine energy security, clean environment and economic performance in a healthy way with long development, favorable development conditions and increased support."

Solar chart;

Wind chart;